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10 Social Media Post Ideas That Work for Any Industry


To be successful in social media for your business, posting consistently is essential. We’ve spoken about the benefits of a content calendar to plan social media posts ahead of time (here’s a handy template), but many small business owners wonder just what the heck they should be posting in the first place.

You’re certainly not alone. Social media for business is very different than social media for personal use and is also quite different from other marketing channels you use. To help you fill your social media content calendar, here are some social media post ideas that will work every time, regardless of your industry:

Share your content.

The best content to share on social media is your own, whether it’s a blog, ebook, infographic or anything else. Why? Because this showcases your expertise on a topic, while also bringing visitors to your website. (When writing this content, focus on being informational or beneficial, not sales-y.)


Answer FAQs.

Another way to highlight your knowledge (and solve potential customers’ problems) is to create a social media post that answers a common question. These posts can be a simple Q&A style (keep it to one FAQ per post) or may be sharing general best practices or tips (in short form) that will benefit your audience.


Share industry-related content of others.

One area often overlooked by business owners unfamiliar with social media is to share others’ content. While you may think sharing your own content and promoting your offerings are the most valuable social media posts, remember that your social account shouldn’t be all about you. The most effective social media programs aggregate lots of relevant information that speak to the target audience, including a mix of your own and others’ content.


Example of a tweet


Recommend industry experts to check out.

Another way to be extremely valuable in a social media post is by recommending other industry experts your followers should also follow (just make sure they’re not direct competitors!). You’re likely connected to, or following some, relevant gurus in your industry—tag them in a post and recommend your audience check them out. Not only do you provide benefit to your followers, but you also initiate or strengthen your relationship with an industry influencer.


Show behind-the-scenes of your company.

When people connect with your company on social media, they don’t want a robot just spitting out information. They want to connect with a real person or brand that is human. People love seeing behind the scenes, so share pictures of your office, highlight different employees, broadcast company events and more.


Share a happy client success story.

An effective way to “sell” in a short social media post is by using a client success story. Write it as an anecdote to make it relatable and not feel like a sales pitch. You can share something that happened recently, or ask former customers for a short testimonial about your work.


Talk about your latest sale or promotion.

Of course, social media is just one of many marketing strategies designed to promote your business. Promoting your latest offering is certainly allowed on social media, and can bring great results when done right. As a rule, aim to post self-promotional things only 1 out of every 10 social media posts at a maximum, to avoid annoying your followers.


Ask engaging questions.

Social media is all about engaging and networking with others, so don’t make your social profile a one-way communication vehicle. Ask questions of your audience (topical to your industry, current events or pop culture) and start conversations.


Share quotes related to your industry.

Quotes are a simple type of social media post that is often shared, so you may want to work them into your strategy. To do so effectively, choose quotes that relate to your business or industry (for example, health and wellness if you are in the medical field), and create an image with the quote (like the one below). People are attracted to images and love sharing relevant quotes that speak to them.


Motivational Monday


Live tweet/post from a relevant event.

One of the benefits of social media is that it is an instant form of communication to your entire audience. If you attend an industry event or conference your audience would be interested in, consider posting from the event, as it happens. Share great quotes from speakers (and tag the speaker if possible), share your thoughts of the event as it progresses, share nuggets of knowledge learned, etc.

I hope this list helped inspire your own social media strategy. The great thing about each of these ideas is that they can be used over and over again, offering you unlimited social media post ideas. If you want additional ideas for your social strategy, check out the video below.


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