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5 Powerful Ways to Attract Potential Buyers with Unique Content


Almost every business has a blog now, and the amount of content on the internet continues to grow every day. This means it's more important than ever to know how to attract potential buyers with unique content. This valuable skill is a must-have as an entrepreneur, small business owner or content writer. It's rare to come up with a completely new idea that wasn't inspired by anything else, so your goal should be to stand out with your own perspective. Here are five powerful ways to consistently create unique content:


1. Let your passion guide your writing.

One of the barriers to writing unique content is forgetting to let your personality show. When you neglect your personality and passions, you don't write at your best. Oftentimes, your content will also be similar to what's already online because you're playing it safe. Allow your passion and personality to guide your writing. It's a natural way to make your content more unique.


2. Incorporate personal stories into your writing.

Always take time to draw inspiration from the things that happen in your day-to-day life. Record any interesting events, or something you feel like you could use but just don't know how to. Write it down and the day will come when you know the perfect way to use it in your content. Your personal stories are entirely unique to you. No one has ever had the same exact experiences as you, and that is extremely powerful when it comes to creating unique content.



3. Encourage user-generated content.

You'll be amazed at what unique content your loyal followers can create for you. Give them a chance to show you their creativity through user-generated content. It will help your brand deliver content without relying solely on your brain and schedule. As an additional benefit, users who choose to participate feel closer to your brand. That's a good thing because they may become passionate fans of your business.


4. Think opposite of popular opinion.


A good technique for developing unique content is to challenge yourself to think opposite of popular opinion. For example, if everyone loves a particular television show, put yourself in the mindset of hating that show. Now, you don't have to lie and pretend you don't like something you actually love. But the process of changing perspectives will provide you with great insights and ideas. Challenging what everyone accepts to be true is certainly a way to grab attention.


5. Find inspiration in the content of others.

Instead of suppressing your urge to build off of outside ideas, freely find inspiration in the content of others. Accept that it's a natural part of creation. Can you name one person who wasn't inspired by something for an invention? Whether they were inspired by nature, a moment or something someone said or did, they needed an outside source to help spark that idea.


How to determine if your content idea is unique...

After you've generated a list of ideas and look over your list to pick topics for your content marketing editorial calendar, you must determine if an idea is unique enough. Google your content idea and analyze the results on the first page. What spin did others take on it? Did someone else do a good job covering the topic? Are there up-to-date articles? If you have a different approach, can cover it better or have fresh information to provide, then go for it.


Maintaining a blog is no longer enough in the content marketing world. You must be different. Consistently creating unique content seems very difficult, but it's not hard when you implement the above techniques for developing unique content. It comes down to being yourself when writing, following your passions, challenging yourself to view unpopular perspectives and accepting the fact that inspiration still comes from outside sources.

Are you looking for a way to consistently produce unique content? Connect with Milwaukee content marketing firm, Accelity Marketing.


Marketing Jargon