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8 Ways to Increase Workplace Productivity In 3 Minutes or Less

In just about every workplace, employees complain about not having enough time in their day to accomplish all their work. Yet the average American works give or take 2000 hours a year! We spend so much time in this one area of our lives, yet we still can’t seem to accomplish what we need to.

Here’s a fact: You have more than enough time to get your work done. The key to actually accomplishing your work is all about how you manage your time. Here are a list of ways you can increase workplace productivity in just a matter of minutes.

1. Track your time.

Write down the tasks you find yourself working on throughout your day. The easiest way to cut out your filler tasks and distracting activities is to identify them first! You’ll be amazed at how many minutes/hours of your day you find yourself straying. Try using an online tracking tool like Harvest, it’s a simple and quick way to keep an online journal of your day.

2. Unplug.

Turn off your unnecessary notifications. As soon as you reach for your phone after you see a text message, facebook update or new Instagram follower, you’ve broken your productive streak (on average, people check their phones 110 times a day—bye productivity!).

Remember, everyone needs to maintain communication throughout the day, so try to schedule it. Check your phone at your lunch break, or use it as a reward once you’ve completed a task.



3. 2-minute rule

This trick will help increase your productivity via prioritization. Complete any tasks you might have that take 2 minutes or less right away. It will take you less time to get them out of the way right away, than it would be to come back to them. Getting these small tasks done tricks your brain into feeling accomplished and motivates you to keep going.

4. Give yourself a view.

Find some great scenery! This could be as simple as positioning yourself next to a window, buying a plant for your desk/office or bringing in a picture from home. Studies show that people work better if they are in an environment that is pleasing to their eye. While, you can’t always help that your office provides you with a boring cubicle, or an outdated office, you can make your space work for you. Pinterest has you covered on this one. Take a look at the thousands of different ways you can improve your workspace.  

5. Plan ahead.

Take three minutes to schedule tomorrow’s workday before you leave the office. Take a couple minutes to budget out what you would like to accomplish. This helps you get a head start the next morning when you get to work, as you’ll have an idea of what things are already on your plate. If something new comes up or your schedule gets pushed around, don’t worry. It’s just an outline.  

6. Eat a snack.

There’s no hiding the fact that Americans love food, and eating balanced snacks and meals at work is crucial. If you prevent yourself from eating, your mind will trail off and lose focus. Do yourself a favor and take a few minutes to pack some snacks. Something high in protein, antioxidants, fiber or vitamins is best, and stay away from foods high in sugar in order to avoid the inevitable crash later in the day.

7. Straighten up your clutter.

Throughout the week you might notice papers piling up, or your desk becoming a bit of a mess. Take a minute here and there to organize your piles and manage your space. You’ll get more work done in a clean environment. Clutter is a distraction, so try to come up with ways to organize your desk/office in order to make things accessible and neat.

Straighten up your clutter

8. Take a break!

It’s okay to take a second to breathe! We’re not robots, and we can’t productively focus on the same thing for 8 hours straight, 5 days a week. Taking a break from time to time helps you regroup, and in turn, maximizes your productivity. Do a lap around the office, or just get up to stretch. Physical exercise is a must!

You have no excuse to not get your work done now! Try something from the list, or try all eight. They only take a couple minutes, and the results speak for themselves. Stop stressing yourself out and get work done! 

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