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Make More From Less: How to Repurpose Content

Make More From Less: How to repurpose content

Marketers today are content machines. We pump out more and more content to try and get noticed, but sometimes that means quality suffers. The good news? There is a strategy that helps create quality content, and involves creating less new content—surprising! That strategy is repurposing content.

Here are some ways to repurpose content to capture a more engaged audience.


Repurpose your content format.

Content comes in many different formats. This list of formats will continually change as technology discovers new ways for people to take in information. Some examples of content formats are:

  • Ebooks
  • Infographics
  • SlideShare decks
  • Quizzes
  • Images
  • Videos
  • Podcasts

So, what does it mean to repurpose a content format? It is as easy as taking an ebook and  recording it—verbatim or shortened—to make an audio clip or video. Another example is taking a video and repurposing it into a compelling, standalone image. Changing your content format doesn’t take a lot of time, and it can be a great way to reach your audience in a new way.


Repurpose your content on different platforms.

There are so many platforms available that it can be overwhelming to create new content for each one. Some platform types marketers can use include:  

  • Blog pages
  • Podcast websites
  • Video hosting sites
  • Social media platforms

This step is very important in making sure your efforts of repurposing your content is worth it. After you have created your different content pieces, promoting them on different platforms helps your content have greater impact. For example, if you create a blog, promote it on social media; use existing video content on a video hosting site, and add a blog promotion there. Use a weekly podcast to promote the blog and save the podcast to a hosting site. There are so many different platforms to connect to that the possibilities are endless.

Pro tip: You aren’t the only person (or organization) that can publish your content. Partner up with complementary websites and industry thought leaders to build awareness and introduce your brand to a new audience.


With so many great ways to repurpose your valuable content, how could you not give it try? As you start using this strategy, just remember that each individual piece of content has to hold its own. Even repurposed content needs to add value to your audience. If you can accomplish that, save time and see results, you have successfully used this strategy!


How do you repurpose content? Let me know in the comments below. Do you need help with content creation, promotion or repurposing? Contact Milwaukee content marketing agency, Accelity Marketing.


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